• 29 September 2018

    Tom Arthurs Trio w. Marc Schmolling and Markku Ounaskari in Schwäbisch Hall (DE)


    "One Year" and new material from Tom's trio with Marc Schmolling (piano) and Markku Ounaskari (drums) - in beautiful church surroundings.

  • 2 April 2020

    (cancelled) Tom Arthurs Trio with Patrice Moret and Julian Sartorius @ Bird’s Eye, Basel (CH)


    New freewheeling trio with the fantastic Patrice Moret (bass) and Julian Sartorius (drums and percussion).

  • 16 February 2019

    Marc Schmolling and ChorWerk Ruhr @ Immanuelskirche Wuppertal, DE


    The Sound of Silence, a new project by Berlin pianist and composer Marc Schmolling, with Biliana Voutchkova (violin), Christian Weidner (saxophone), Marc and Antonio Borghini (bass), with the choir of the ChorWerk Ruhr.

  • 10 March 2018

    Tom Arthurs Trio UK Record Launch @ Pizza Express, London (Lunchtime Concert)


    The UK record launch of "One Year", with Marc Schmolling (piano) and Markku Ounaskari (drums and percussion). The concert starts at 1.30pm!

  • 7 April 2018

    Tom Arthurs Solo + Trio Habegger / Schuler / Schuler @ Villa Gassweid, Wohlen

    A solo (possibly in the countryside) at the great Villa Gassweid, followed and/or preceded by the trio of Nicola Habegger (trumpet), Luzius Schuler (piano) and Laura Schuler (violin).

  • 10 May 2018

    Guest with Colin Vallon Trio @ Mokka, Thun


    Delighted to sit in with Swiss pianist Colin Vallon's fantastic trio with Patrice Moret (bass) and Julian Sartorius (drums).

  • 18 May 2018

    Tom Arthurs Trio Germany Record Launch + Biliana Voutchkova (solo) @ KulturKirche Nikodemus, Berlin


    Germany record launch of "One Year", with Marc Schmolling (piano) and Markku Ounaskari (drums and percussion). We will be joined in the beautiful surroundings and acoustic of the Nikodemus Kirche by the superb violinist Biliana Voutchkova, who will play the first set.

  • 19 May 2018

    50 Trumpets @ Wasserspeicher Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin

    A new piece by Mazen Kerbaj for 50 of Berlin's finest trumpeters. Starts at 19h, and brought to us by Mellowtown and Bohemian Drips.

  • 8-9 June 2018

    QUAIRÓS @ Jazzwerkstatt Peitz Festival, DE


    QUAIRÓS, with Markus Pesonen (guitar), Miles Perkin (bass), Janne Tuomi (drums), at the legendary Jazzwerkstatt Peitz festival.

  • 5 July 2018

    Circuit Training @ Wabe


    Circuit Training - improvisations and graphic scores with Ignaz Schick (turntables), Achim Kaufmann (piano), Marta Zapparoli (electronics), Eliad Wagner (electronics), Benjamin Weidekamp (reeds), Klaus Kürvers (bass) and Alexandre Babel (percussion).